I dont really like talking about my problems, however I feel like I am going to have a breakdown. I am constantly crying for no reason and once I start crying I cant stop. Im having a really hard time focusing, paying attention, and I just want to stay in bed. I have to get up at 7am to take my child to school come home feed animals, household chores, then get ready for work which my shift is 2-11 and then back home to do it all over again. I work usually 6 days a week and I am ready to just walk away from everything. I feel like if someone is to upset me, I am going to loose it ( not physically but definitely in a verbal outburst of some sort). If you knew me you would understand I am the polar opposite. I am always in a great mood always smiling and go with the flow type I am very mellow and laid back. I dont understand why I am feeling like this but this is about the 6 month I have felt this way.