Hello....I Am wondering what is going on with my body...Any help is greatly appreciated!!...
The first day of my last period was 1-14-14
On 2-2-14 in the evening I went and peed, when I wiped it was a pinkish color with a light orange tint to it...My period always starts off brown or heavy red...But I thought I might be starting anyways so I put a pad on!!......I Kept checking it through out the evening & night & nothing....
On 2-3-14 I Woke up & there was nothing!!....Later on in the day, there was like a drop of blood on my pad...Than it went to pinkish brown when I wiped....
On 2-4-14 I Had pinkish brown discharge on & off through out the day....
On 2-5-14 I Had a very small amount of brown discharge....
On 2-6-14 I Had scanty pink & brown...
On 2-7-14 (MORNING) I Had light bleeding (red), it stopped, & went to brown....
On 2-8-14 Nothing, until night and after intercourse I had some red bleeding but very light.. It stopped & I went to sleep..
On 2-9-14 Woke up with a light cramp, & very light(spotting) red, than pink, than brown & stopped....Had a headache all day!!...Felt like I was peeing like crazy!!...I Had intercourse at night & nothing...
On 2-10-14(Morning)I Had some red bleeding, light...Immediately went to light pink & stopped...Also tender breasts!!...
On 2-11-14 Nothing, BFN pregnancy test, but not taken with FMU...Back cramps, twinges, Positive home
UTI test for white blood cells, but negative for nitrates...& in the evening I had brown like a coffee stain color, but only happened one time and than nothing...
On 2-12-14 Nothing...Tender breasts, Twinges, nausea, BFN with FMU...
On 2-13-14 Nothing...Tender breasts, Twinges, on & off nausea, & gassy!!....Started a multivitamin!!...
On 2-14-14 Nothing...Tender breasts, Positive home UTI test FMU for white blood cells, negative for nitrates, & BFN hpt with fmu!!...A headache coming on....
Is it still soon??...I Was 5 weeks before I found out with my other 2 kids....I Actually fainted with my last pregnancy, before I bought a test & tested the next morning with a BFP!!....I Don`t understand what is going on...I Have read a lot about pregnancy and I have a lot of symptoms...But I know that some of my symptoms could be related to cancer...I`m scared as to what is going on...PLEASE HELP
Thank you!!...