I can understand your concern. It seems that you are suffering from Temporomandibular Joint (
TMJ) associated problem. This is the joint that helps in opening and closing of mouth along with side to side movements.
This TMJ problems can include problem with the joint itself such as degenerative changes, problems with muscles associated with the joint that are used for chewing, or problem associated with the
nerve that passes through TMJ and supplies the tongue.
The symptoms may include feelings of problems in ear,
numbness of tongue, problem with joint itself etc.
I would recommend you to visit an oral and maxillofacial surgeon for clinical examination of the TMJ and further investigations such as X-ray,
MRI etc. Based on the examination and the test results, diagnosis can be made and management of the problem can be decided.
I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing HCM. I wish you feel better soon.
Dr. Viraj Shah