My period has been on going on 4 months. When I hit the two month mark I went to my local hospital and explained to the doctor my discomfort of passing last blood clots,bleeding very heavy, soaking up pads every 30 minutes to the hour, and light headedness so he did a pelvic exam and said everything looks good down there, he didn t prescribed medicine and diagnosed me with abnormal vaginal bleeding. Now out of the 4 months of being on my period it stopped for two days and I thought it was over but unfortunately on the second night a gush of blood came with a huge blood clot and I never stopped bleeding. On top of me bleeding I just started to have a minor itch on the left side of my vagina only it came out of nowhere. When I looked it s tiny white bumps so I thought it s from me wearing a pad for 4 months and it s irritated. I have been doing Apple cider vinegar baths which seem to help a little bit but I need everything gone. What s happening? I ve took pictures as well and don t mind emailing them.