I am 48 and have had menstral issues my entire life. Birth control was the only think that really helped. My doctor will not let me take the pill anymore due to my age. I was diagnosed with hypothyroid 20 years ago, have had periods of amenorehia, dysmynorehia, fibroids, small clots, you name it. I currently experience severe pms/pmdd which a low dose of prozac helps. Nothing seems to help the physical symptoms including a cycle that ranges between 20-29 days and is quite heavy for 2-3 days and then pretty much goes away. Breast tenderness two weeks preceeding menses. Bloating and weight gain, headache, backache, sleep disturbance with two weeks preceeding menses, hot flashes and night sweats. I will also experience episodes of light headedness with sweating and an immediate need to deficate. Any thoughts for me. I will say the prozac really helped the mental symptom, Im not nearly as emotional or difficult to live with.