Hi, my name is Matt and recently I started experiencing weird symptoms the day after going on a roller coaster ride. I remember getting off the ride and not thinking anything of it. The day after, I woke up and my left arm felt weak although I was still able to use it. (Note I have only had one other episode where I was experiencing tingling and numbness roughly one month ago after having a perceived weird change in my vision. That has sense subsided.) At this time, I am experiencing pulsating or tingling sensations in both of my legs that seem to alternate back and forth. It also feels different than it used to at times when it comes to walking. In addition, I am feeling some numbness in my face that comes and goes. I have had anxiety for a very long time and think these symptoms may be due to my anxiety. However, I want to make sure I don t have any underlying issues happening such as MS or ALS. I have worried myself silly and I think that also may be contributing to how I am feeling. Thanks!