Hi,Dear thanks for the query to HCM Virtual Clinic.
I studied your query in all the details given by you.I reviewed all the data and in my opinion the cause of the purple
bruise on left leg,with yellowish center after 10 days,with pain,seems to be boil in the fold of the knee.
I don't think it to be due to the blood clot,but due to your immobility and compromised body defence due to recent surgical strain.
Hope I explained what the lump is and hope you would be satisfied with it.
Write excellent reviews if you like this reply and find it helpful to you,as your comments and reviews would improve my rating for the visitors of the HCM clinic.
Welcome for any further query in this regard to Me.I would love you to help out of this intricate problem of lump.
Wishing you fast recovery.
Have a good day.
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Specialist