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I understand your concern.
Area of back & buttock is covered with numerous sweat and sebaceous glands. Similarly, face is also covered with number of sebacious glands. Many a times, these glands may be blocked or inflamed leading to
boils and abscesses. People in teenage are passing through
hormonal changes which may affect the secretion of these glands and make them prone to develop this kind of boils. Other reasons may be excessive hair in these area, decreased immunity, and many others.
Small boils generally do not need surgical management and go away in a few days if proper hygiene is maintained. Large boils need to be drained by surgeon by
incision and drainage.
You have said that your daughter is getting frequent complain to this kind. In such case, she may need several shot of long acting penicillin to eliminate boil causing bacteria (e.g.
Currently, if boils are small and not very painful, than you should wait and watch. Keep the area clean by washing with mild soap and water. Apply antibiotic cream like
betadine. Don't try to drain by yourself. Clean with clean cotton if they drain by themselves.
If they are lager, painful or too many in number than you should visit a surgeon for further management.
Hope this will be helpful.
Thanks for using HCM.
Do ask if any further question is there.
Take care.