The after-effects of drinking vary depending on the amount of alcohol intake, the speed of intake and the intake of anything to dilute its effect (water or food). In addition to this, the baseline state of the body plus the sleep that follows, also contribute to the processing of alcohol in your body.
So let's say, when you drink only 5 shots, slowly, with some food intake beforehand and you have had a relatively less hectic day, then the stomach will slowly absorb the alcohol and process it out slowly, giving you a good night sleep and a perfectly fine next morning.
On the other hand, when the alcohol is too much to handle in one go, the stomach system throws it out by contacting, giving you the
vomiting and
Hangovers are nothing but the sign of inadequate rest to the body and the after-effects of alcohol that has not yet been pushed out of the body's system. Quite notoriously, the body learns to adapt to this intake and then, needs more amount of alcohol every next time to feel better (your morning 'feel-better' drinks). This is called 'tolerance' which pushes you towards a dependence, and hence, is usually a red-flag for my patients.
I hope i have addressed you query. Happy to help if any more questions.