Hello I ve been having a series of symptoms for a while now and I m unsure why, and I don t know if they re related or what they mean. For the longest time I had a hard and fast heart thudding once in a while for a few seconds of time. People guesses it s heart murmur, when I looked it up online it said heart palpitations. It began happened sooner and sooner, till on a daily basis, and now since a few days ago, it happens pretty often during the day, and longer than ever before. Also the left of my chest appears to be heavy, so it s harder to breath. The heaviness hasn t gone away much for the past few days, though there are times it s easier to breath. Another issue is much more recent, been over a week or so but I ve had full body twitching on a daily basis, and it too, has become more often. I can t control it at all. Also when I have a hard time breathing my face vibrates and my skull gets tingles sometimes too. I sometimes did get chest pain at the left, assuming it s my heart, in the past, and I do so now as well. Right now as I m sitting and since a few days ago, my chest also seems like its moving on the inside at the left, the outside seems kinda puffier than the other side but I m not completely sure.