In the past few months I ve been feeling like liquid moving around in my body occasionally in the mornings, or after drinking water. I seen a doctor and she scheduled an ultrasound of my upper and lower abdominal and I get this reoccurring pain in my right side, occasionally heads to my back, and lower back, and it feel like a full grown man sitting on my chest. I m 20 years old I m considerably healthy I ve always been active I just don t quite understand. My symptoms are everywhere and I have been to the ER 4 times in the past few months. They told me it was IBS, but it was very sudden. I ve recently been eating high fat meals and high protein meals and I m wondering if that may contribute to my pain? My doctor has advised me that it could be my gallbladder. When I lay in bed sometimes I wake up in so much pain, my sides hurt so bad, I sit up and my whole chest starts hurting, followed by indigestion symptoms and feeling full even if I have nothing to eat all day. When I do eat I get these stomach rumbling in my center chest below my breast bone, and it hurts so bad I can t even move. I get these pains in my hip,.. sometimes I feel fluid moving around I don t know if that is my bowls or a hip burstis. Please help me any way you can I would really appreciate another opinion! I m running out of options and it s getting to that point I need to see an GI doctor to rule out any ulcers. I m hoping I can come to a conclusion that all these problems are caused by a low functioning gallbladder or a gallstone. I m hoping for anything that could help me pinpoint what s causing my pains.