Hi i have been to many doctors ( no specialists) and have a recurring problem which none have a clue is caused from. From time to time i experience pain around joints, they usually swell up and turn red and are hot to the touch and cause a great deal of discomfort and pain. Just last week my left elbow swelled up and was extremely painfull, i took allergex tablets thinking maybe it was an allergy against something i dont know i have, by the time i went to bed the right elbow had swelled up too and only by the morning had the swelling gone down, yet it was still red and painfull to touch on the skin. painkillers dont help with the pain. Yesterday i awoke with a lump on the muscles on the outside of my legs just above my knees, this morning again i woke up with some discomfort in my feet, kind of feels like small lumps in my feet. I have just got back from work and can now hardly walk from the pains in my feet. Its red and swollen only in the places i have pain in my feet right now. i m rather concerned and dont know where to go or what to do? i m a 32 year old white male