I am a 26 year old girl. I was having cyclic vomiting like sickness from about the age of 10. Its that somehow i would start vomiting and it would continue for a few days. I cannot take any food and will b given IV drips. Then doctors suggested it would be migraine. However the problem continued and later whenever i vomit i have the beleif that it wont stop for some time. During my higher studies it was a problem an we consulted a psychologist. He told that i have minor depression and migraine and need psychiatric treatment. The psychiatrist presribed me tryptomer, flunarazine, valparin and another capsule of somethng like omega fatty acid. I was then a lean girl. As i started using the medicine i started gaining weight. So he said the medicine should be proportional to body weight and increased the dosage. I contineued gaining weight and 36 kg increased to 58 within 2 years. I was not having vomiting sickness. However i was always passive, wont be able to think right ,shivering hands, feel sleepy and was not able to learn and memorise. I wanted my doctor to decrease the dosage and finally stop it. But he insisted on continuing the medicine. I was keen about my studies but was scoring only pass arks now. After 2 years when i joined my post graduate studies i myself decided to decerease the medicine doses and finally stop them. I succeeded to do away with all of them except tryptomer. Stoping it was out of my hand. whenever i decreased it to 10 mg from 25 mg it affected digestion , i eat less ,sometimes vomiting sickness and tension. So i am using it for about 7 years 25 mg a day. I want to stop using it. Expecting ur advise.