My 2 year old son gets horrible rashes. It s almost as if some 1/4 of his poops are acid. They literally leave burn like rashes. If you don t change it within minutes it will be horrific. As you can imagine, sometimes you don t smell them or whatever the case is, and it s just bad. But I got the ok from the pediatrician to use hydrocortisone in this case and it s literally the only thing that helps the rash go away faster. Tonight he had one of those poops except it was pretty explosive. But it didn t smell, so of course he sat in it for a little while. Well this time it burned not only his butt, but also his sack and what looks like the tip of his penis. The tip of the penis and penis hole were inflamed and bright red. Almost as if it were bleeding but it wasn t. It was the worst thing I have ever seen. And for it to happen so quickly is terrifying. Anyway, my question is am I allowed to use hydrocortisone on a penis? I would assume probably not but thought I d ask. I had him soak in a bathtub for awhile and then put neosporin on all the affected areas. This hasn t worked in the past but it s all I knew to do tonight until I can put a call in to the Ped tomorrow. Please assist! I have pictures if that helps. Thank you so much!