Hello! Thank you for your question! Regarding your concern seems that your mother has a local skin reaction in her neck and face that should be checked for possible reasons; first of all a characterization of those red blotches should be done: do they resemble urticaria? Do your mother has experience skin itching? Coughing? Sneezing? Any abnormally high temperature recently? It should be separated a simple local reaction such as a
contact dermatitis (caused for example a skin lotion, special gases, physical elements like
cold air, sun light, any reaction form a necklace.
If any possible above options is excluded then a skin reaction form a systemic disorder should be checked.
Fist of all is recommended a careful physical examination and some lab tests:
complete blood count, a blood PCR coupled with
liver and renal function tests to rule out any inflammation or infection. Your mother's
tiredness and
lightheadedness are nonspecific body reactions to a systemic problem. I recommend a blood gas test and the pulmonary function test: with these exams performed and the above mentioned first you shoud consult an internist or a pulmonologist as the only new findings are chest
X ray changes; the pulmonologist will differentiate any possible pulmonary function compromises and to confirm this new emphysema?!! (which could be in reality any other inflammatory process that could explain even a skin reaction).
I am sorry about such long explanation but I thing that is necessary to clarify these points. If you could send a photo of those skin findings coupled with lab exam and chest film I could give a more firm opinion.
Feel free to ask me whenever you want.Hope to have been helpful to you. Greetings from Dr. Iliri