I'm a 25 year old male, 5'9", 150 pounds. Never have had any allergies or any health issues ever. For the last several weeks I've noticed smaller red spots or blotches of sort directly above my penis in the pubic hair area and also on my inner thighs. I started shaving this area for the first time several months ago and the area was always irritated and red. I was having unprotected sex with my girlfriend of the time and never had any issues then. Now over four months later these spots show up. They do NOT hurt, itch or feel raised above the skin. They actually seem to get more red after long days at work where I move, stand and sweat. Now after I wash the area and I've been using hydro-cortisone cream they actually fade away drastically. They come back though and never go away completely. I've also not shaved the area anymore thinking it could be tied in with that. Again there is no pain, no itching or any other weird colors, odors, puss or anything being secreted. Does this sound like a skin irritation, heat rash or something horrible? Thanks for any insight, it's much appreciated.