On Monday night, I noticed that the lips of my vagina was really sore and so I sort of scratched it and then showered and washed it with water. The next morning it was swollen and it was sore, I also been noticing white discharges. Yesterday afternoon, I soaked myself in the tub with Luke warm water almost cold, and I waited as the water washed through my vagina. Then last night, I soaked myself again. I later took a look at it and saw a bit of white liquid dripping down and then I just wore a pad on top of it and went to sleep. The week before all this happened, I was on my period but due to so much stress I havent been on my period for 3 months and then I finally had it but it wasent much but dead blood only; Last Friday night, I had intercourse. Sunday night, I washed my vagina lips with caress soap. Monday afternoon it was itchy. Tuesday morning, it was swollen. Wednesday, it wasn t swollen due to the soak in water with no soap. Tonight its not as swollen nor itchy but the inner of my vagina looks a bit red. I also encountered alittle bit of white tissue looking discharge but it doesn t burn when I urinate. The discharge also don t have a fishy smell, it smells like a washcloth that s been wet and dried up and sometimes when too much white discharge comes out, the color often looks abit light browned. My question is, what is it? I m getting scared and I m not sure if its either yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. PLEASE HELP!