5 days ago I felt I was getting a small cold. I had a sore throat, headache, and just felt very tired. My appetite was fine and I was eating normally. 2 days later I woke up in the middle of the night vomiting. I was vomiting off and on for ten hours. I had horrific body aches and chills. I checked but had no fever. I also had diarrhea. After the ten hours of this I was able to keep down some clear liquids and I felt sick with head cold symptoms. My body aches were unbearable. I took advil and it took the pains away. I was then left with head congestion, cough, basically a virus. I have noticed that my right side under my collar bone is hurting me when I cough or have to clear my throat. I sniffle because my nose is stuffed and it hurts me on the right side of my chest. It also pains me when I take a deep breath. I am scared that maybe I hurt something when I was vomiting so much, or worse that I aspirated when throwing up so much. I don t know if I should see a doctor. I am unbelievably tired and cannot work still. I feel I am getting better but still feel horrible. I am eating more dry plain foods and clear liquids but the chest pain is concerning.