I am 26 years old and I have been experiencing right upper quadrant pain, surrounding the bottom portion of my ribs for about 4 months now. Three weeks after the start of my pain I had an ultrasound done, as my doctor thought I might be having gallbladder problems. That came back normal. I was then sent to a gastroenterologist, who had me get a HIDA scan done a couple weeks later. That also came back normal....so, I just had an upper endoscopy done this morning (will find out results in 2 weeks). I am currently seeing a chiropractor for some back problems...she is not convinced there isn t a gallbladder problem, as she is continually re-adjusting T4 every week (T4 subluxation can cause gallbladder problems). For the first 2 months, I only noticed the pain about 5-7 times a day, lasting a couple mins each and about a 5-6 on the pain scale. But as time has gone on, the pain has increased in times per day (25 plus) and lasts longer (about 5-7 mins. each), as well as a 6-7 on the pain scale. I am concerned that since my HIDA scan came back normal, my gastroenterologist isn t even looking at my gallbladder anymore, and is now moving on to my stomach (even though it was done 2 months ago, before the pain got worse). Is that normal? Both the ultrasound and HIDA scan were done during the first 2 months of pain, when it wasn t occurring nearly as often or as painful as it is now. Since the pain has increased in intensity and times per day, would a repeat HIDA scan or ultrasound be helpful? or do you think the results would still come back normal? Do you have any ideas as to what could be causing my pain? I appreciate your help!