my nearly 3 year old daughter was in my locked car today for about 25 minutes it was a van (about 4.30 pm to 5 pm), and one window was open half an inch, the car was in the shade, after 25 minutes we got the car open. she was not crying in the car, i was able to communicate with her, singing songs, and i was talking to her throughout the time. she had her pacifier in her mouth most of the time, and she was not crying. when she came out she was not upset but she was tired. she was tired before all this happened because she did not take a nap. usually she takes a nap everyday. she drank afterwards some water, and ate icecream. we went to an airconditioned home later, and she was cold, so we covered her with some blankets. she drank a bit more water, and she was tired (i believe mostly because she did not nap...if it was any other day and she did not nap, she would be the same way). i asked her how she was feeling and she said good. at about 8 or so, i took her temperature, cause i was worried. atnd she had 38.3 c. she is awake now. she is drinking, she peed once since 4.30. she is fully awake, and answers questions well. My question is, should it take her to hospital?