Hi Dr., Around 10 yes back, I happened to be in bed with a friend. She and I had our limitation s till oral and no further. One night, I just happened to find out a little late when I felt that my penis head was inside her for the first time and that too without protection. I somehow didn t want to go any further and was out of her in seconds. Next surprise for me was that she was having her periods. A couple of days later I happened to notice 2 spots on the head. They were not red , not shiny in fact seemed just like a scar about quarter inch wide each. The color you can say was of the skin gone a little dark, which was the only thing to make me notice it. Ever since, no pain no itch, no size difference, in fact it is just there harmless. For the last couple of days, the scars got a little shinny, the skin got somewhat sensitive as I feel some irritation when it rubs against a cloth, still no pain. I got worried and got VDRL done just in case, result came negative. Please guide me as to what it is, which has been there for 10 yrs unnoticed, and now is irritatating me against cloth rubbing. Will wait Thanking you in advance Kamran