Thanks for your query.
Noted the history of burning sensation in the throat chest and now the upper abdomen in spite of
Prilosec,Privicid, Nexium, Omepozolee, Zegerid, Tums,Rolaids,,Alkaseltzer, now Trying Gaviscon and Baking Soda in water.
Many endoscopies have shown erosions and scarring.
Since you have been a known case of GERD and have the said problems and have tried practically everything, I would suggest you the following:
The commonest cause of GERD is Anxiety.
You have to keep anxiety at bay by medication and/or naturotherapy like Yoga,
Meditation and acupressure.
Change the job, lifestyle, remove all the instigating or enhancing factors.
Small frequent meals.
Identify the foods and beverages that suit you the most without causing any problem and continue only those.
If there is any other cause like tumor of the
pancreas, CT scan should get it if available surgery will help you to get well.
In resistant cases, Surgery of Vagotomy and
gastrojejunostomy should help you.
Also should have been tried the motility regulators like
Domperidone should also help to a certain extent.