I am having severe leg cramping in my legs mostly at night. I shoot our of bed because they wake me and try to work them out. My feet, ankles, legs are swollen to the point that my skin feel stretched and I have itching behind my left knee. I have swelling of my face, around eyes. I just had back surgery, extensive, so if I stay on my legs too long they swell, etc. I also have angioedema, the Osmoalality of my blood is 310 & my vasopressin is low, my thyroid is swollen on rt. side with a 2mm and 6 mm nodule. I have Diabetes with delayed Hypothalamic reactions of abt. 4 hours. I just stared taking Desmopressin. This happens every night & I m not getting any sleep. Just had EKG that was OK. Blood work showed high Myoglobin (87) and CPK of 184. I also had a skin biopsy that shows leukocyto classtic Vasculitis, and my leg looks like and upside down coke bottle. Anyway, the Lasix doesn t work, nor does the Dyizide sine my back surgery. Oh. I also fell twice recently effecting both sides. I m exhausted, cry when pain meds wear off, feel wobbly when I walk, disoriented. I looked at a long list of possibilities, but and confused. What do I have? A Heinz 57?