Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
Low-dose birth control pills can be out of your system within 24 hours of discontinuing them, so what likely caused your early period was your missing the pill for two days.
If you have bleeding in the middle of your cycle on birth control pills, it is unlikely that you will have a period at the normal time at the end of the pack, because your uterine lining has already mostly been shed.
However, if you had unprotected sex during the time when you missed pills, there is a possibility that you conceived. Many of the same side effects that we associate with
pregnancy like mood swings, breast tenderness, irregular bleeding,
nausea, and urinary frequency can also be caused by the
hormonal fluctuation of missing and then going back on your birth control pills.
So I would recommend doing an over-the-counter urine pregnancy test if at least 10 days to two weeks have gone by since you missed your pills. If your pregnancy test is negative, to missing and then going back on your birth control pills.
Once you've been on the phone month of pills without missing any, you can expect your cycle to go back to normal.
I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today, and that this information was helpful.
Best wishes,
Dr. Brown