At church Sunday, as we were praying for one another, suddenly my head begin to bust - my head was hurting so badly and I begin to have severe chest pains. There was no pain in my arm...just my chest, back, r-jaw. It felt like a squeezing pain. I went and sat down and it never stopped hurting. I told my husband and we went home. This pain continued for about an hour. I lay down and home and it subsided. I burped a LOT going home. I figured it may be gas. I have had similar pain before. I do have a tad of high BP and I do take a low dosage of a highBP med. Anyway, thing is....I was fine SUnday afternoon, but Monday, I felt bad all day - weak, sickly. I have had two really bad days - Tues and Wed where i stayed home from work. Symptoms are weakness, feeling sick to my stomach, fatigue, shaky, and extreme anxiety - waking me up in the middle of the night feeling like I was going to pass out. What do you think? I am in-between doc s because I have changed docs, I can go to Urgent Care but they will only assess me - they won t treat me. II m sorry, I know that s a lot of info, but I do thank you!