My fiancé, Ron, has really bad pain below and under his front left-side ribcage. He said it's a really bad throbbing pain. It's lasted all day, and he has been vomiting all this morning, along with experiencing some diarrhea. This evening, he said it's pretty severe, but he wants to wait until morning to go in to his Doctor. His wanting to wait concerns me. He said when he touches it there, he feels like he needs to vomit. He said it started a couple of days ago, but it seemed to go away. Now this pain has returned, and hurts him very badly and he has to lay down, but cannot sleep. He said it's a sharp, shooting pain. He doesn't feel like he can really sit for any length of time. He has also been burping, and he doesn't usually do this. Do you have any ideas as to what may be possible reasons for his distress? Thank you in advance!! Katrina