Hallow Dear,
I have gone through your painful history and do empathize your sufferings.
Your description that you are getting pain after penile insertion with penile movements suggests that the penis is either hitting on an inflamed uterus or disturbing inflamed tubes or your ovaries have fallen in a space between the vagina and
rectum - a space called as POD or Pouch of Douglas or some pathological lesion in the POD. Let me discuss one by one.
When there is inflammation of the uterus, whenever hard penis hits against the
cervix (mouth of the uterus) or whenever there is movement of the uterus during sex, the uterus aches. This pain throbbing type and is felt in the lower abdomen in the centre.
When the uterus is extremely tilted backwards, the ovaries which are otherwise somewhat to the side, come directly in POD. Thus the hard penis directly presses on the ovaries. Ovaries are very tender organs. The pain due to pressure on ovaries is perceived in the sides of the abdomen, somewhere in the flanks.
There are some more possibilities which also you will have to consider. Since the painful intercourse (
dyspareunia) dates back to your delivery, it is likely that your might have caught some infection in the pelvis during delivery, which has become chronic now. Thus the chances of adhesions formation in the pelvis may be there. However, such pathology will cause the pain even otherwise also - particularly painful
Presence of uterine lining (endometrium) elsewhere (
endometriosis) also is an important cause of dyspareunia. Pelvic endometriosis will make you suffer during intercourse. However, this also will present with painful menstruation.
Please try to fit your picture in one of these scenarios. You might succeed in identifying the cause and then get it treated. Clinical per vaginal examination,
ultrasonography and may be
laparoscopy may be useful in diagnosing the pathology.
The infection and inflammation may be treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines. Endometriosis needs a complex treatment, may be sometimes surgical and medicines also.
For fallen back ovaries, you may require surgical correction.
This are preliminary guidelines, Madam. I would definitely like to help you out in this situation and give you relief from this agony. For this, I would need some more information, some conversation with you and some investigations. So if you ask me a Direct question, I can be of more help to you.
Let me assure you, this is not an untreatable condition, neither is asking for treatment a futile exercise. A scientific approach and precise treatment can give you happy marital life again.
I hope you take the required steps.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri