I understand your concern.
* In
pregnancy the pregnancy hormones cause softening of ligaments .. so pelvic & chest bones tend to expand due to development of fetus, overstretching of abdomen/ pelvis. This causes pain.
- In case of ribs.. the abdominal stretching is excessive due to gasses/ indigestion/
constipation. in 9th month.
- Similarly bony weakness due to calcium & vitamin D deficiency would increase the pain.
* Though complete relief from pain will be after delivery of baby, Some of the abdominal distension can be reduced to get some relief by-
- Taking small & multiple food servings,
- taking sufficient fibers in diet,
- drink lot of water ( 10-12 glasses ) in a day.
Continue exercise in form of walk for 20-30 minutes in a day.
This will facilitate food digestion/ excessive gas formation & bowel movements & offer some relief from pain.
- Consult your doctor for need of calcium / vitamin D supplement.