I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain head cold along with pain in upper jaw and cheek seems to be due to
Sinus infection or
Sinusitis and it can also cause generalized
pain in teeth..
But in case if you have pain in one single tooth along with swelling on face, it can be either due to decayed teeth leading to
tooth abscess or can also be due to inflammation caused by sinusitis..
Pain in jaw hinge can be due to tense muscles secondary to infection..
Pain in spine does not seems to be due to any of these problems and can be due to generalized ache in body and does not seems to be anything serious..
I would suggest you to consult an Otolaryngologist and get evaluated and a thorough clinical evaluation and investigations like MRI or PNS view of
sinuses can help in looking for the exact cause of pain and treat you accordingly..
In case of sinus infection a course of antibiotics, anti allergics, decongestants oral as well as nasal and mucolytics can be advised..
Doing steam inhalations and saline nasal irrigations will further help..
For toothache consult an Oral physician and get evaluated and get an x ray of tooth done..
In case of tooth decay either
root canal treatment or extraction followed by antibiotics and painkillers depending upon tooth condition can help in diagnosis and treatment can be done accordingly..
Also take
Tylenol to reduce fever and aches..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.