I am suffering from an acute case of small bowel infraction, after being rescued off the Appalachian Trail 230 short of my target. Two surgeries in a Maine hospital to remove 50% of my small and a portion of my colon. When I was discharged and returned home to CT, I only had 2 days before waking up to extreme pain that the Vicodin would not touch. Another 4 day stay at Yale, today was discharge date. My px is I have zero pain at the incision site or related organs, but I have extreme pain in my left shoulder. Anterior between the deltoid and extending halfway up my neck. When it flairs up it brings me to tears. A resident at Yale says sometimes bubbles move through out the body, but can it give such pain too? Not all the time just once a day for the past 3 days. Yale just medicated me, but I m home now. What can I do?