Hi,Good Evening,Thanks for your query.
I studied your query with all the details and understood your health concerns.
-In my opinion-the cause -of the severe stabbing pain in lower abdomen,
-with referred pain to back
-and that pain worstening over few days- is due to the -Inguino-
scrotal hernia mostly-as you have to push up when sitting for the bowel movements.
-Referrence of pain to back-is due to the
spermatic cord and testicular compression and stretching.
All this has increased and precipitated due to the URTI with
acute rhinitis with sneezing and coughing.
Lack of appetite is due to the URTI and not due to herniation.
So this would help you to understand the worries you had with this lower
abdominal pain.
Hope this would help you to plan the treatment with ER surgeon.
Wishing you early recovery.
Wellcome to HCM for further query in this regard.
Good night from INdia.