I just recently went to the doctor and he did a rapid stress test and it came back negative but he said that it could be false and he s sending it for a culture, but he gave me antiboitics. He told me to remain taking the Chlorspectic I have been taking as well as Mortin for the pain. Well, today is day 2 of this and the one side of my throat is more swollen than it was yesterday, my fever is up and down and there is a lot more white spots. The one side of my throat and neck are killing me. Litterally have me sitting in the bathroom crying it hurts so bad and I don t know what else to do about it. It has also started to hurt my one ear as well. I have not slept for two days because of the pain and have missed out on two days of work. I am missing a huge conference that I was speaking at tomorrow because I barely have a voice. I have to get this fixed, do you have any advice. PLEASE?