Dear Doctors,
I’m a 24 years old healthy female with no medical records and I had been experiencing occasional heart pain over the past 3 to 4 years. When the pain comes, I will press on my left chest where the heart is and take deep and slow breathe and. The pain got worse over the years and it happen almost everyday over the past 3 weeks. The pain happened randomly and duration of the pain varies (around 3 to 10 min). Sometimes it is just a mild numbness and sore at the heart area and most of the time sharp pain or cramp. Five days ago, I woke up to find myself unable to breathe. Recently, I begin to felt numbness and sore on my right chest, two inch below the collar bone and I also have to breathe slowly occasionally. I would like to know if I’m having any heart problems or is it just a common chest pain problem?