My 28 year old son is unemployed, and has no medical insurance. Looking back, he has had stomach issues for years: being hungry but not being able to eat that much, having to use the restroom almost immediately following a meal, pains in his stomach, etc. Recently, he was hospitalized and discharged twice over a 10 day period. ( This is why he lost his job.) First, he was diagnosed with gastroenteritis. Then, during his second stay in the hospital, he was diagnosed with intussusception. He has night sweats, He has lost a massive amount of weight recently. (He went from approximately 150lbs to about 130lbs over a period of around one month.) He is vomiting and has diarrhea every day-several times per day-they both have blood in them. He has severely sharp stomach pains. He can't keep any food or drinks down. I am terrified beyond words! I feel as if I am watching my son die right before my eyes! Since he has no medical insurance, not even Medicaid, he has had NO treatment at all for this devastating illness. I have read all about this disease on the Mayo Clinic's website, and I feel that the only way to treat him is through surgery, but no doctors will help him. We don't know where to go or how to get him the help that he so desperately needs. I am scared to death, and don't know what to do! We live in Lakeland, Florida. Please help my son. He is wasting away. He is seriously ill. He needs immediate treatment. This sickness seems to be progressing extremely aggressively and rapidly. Please, we are heartbroken, and need help.
Thank you,
Monica Cline