I look like I am pregnant. However, all the home pregnancy tests came back negative. I had a pelvic exam in April. Everything came back normal. I wanted an ultrasound but they wouldn t do it on the first visit. This all happened on the 24th of February. On March 8th, I experienced implantation. There was no cycle for February, March, and April. May, I received a little cycle. I used a douche in March and May. I have had all these crazy symptoms. In the beginning, I was having a hard time catching my breath. I am very active so this was a big concern. I have gained about 15 pounds since February. I am usually a small, petite y oung lady. I crave meat, pickles, ice cream. My clothes do not fit. My breasts are growing and I barely had them before. I just look the part. Can you please help?