Earlier today I was cleaning an apartment for my dad. I was wiping down the walls and he had a bottle of Clorox spray. I sprayed the walls down and wiped them clean, but thought the smell was unusually stronger then I was use to. The windows were closed so the room was not well ventilated. My eyes started to burn like I got Clorox in them and I was confused because I didn t touch my face and wasn t sure if it got in my eyes or if it was from the fumes. I had to run outside because my eyes burned so bad and tears were streaming down my face. I went home and wasn t feeling well. My throat doesn t burn or my eyes anymore, but I seem to have shortness of breath. My breathing doesn t seem right. I ve been tired all day too! It s late and I can t sleep because it seems so stuffy. I started to research what happens when you inhale Clorox fumes and one of the things I read alarmed me about viniger being mixed with Clorox. I didn t mix it, but my dad said he wasn t sure if it was Clorox from the bottle, but believed he poured bleach in the bottle to refill it. On top of that when I was wiping down the wall he said he had a jug that he thought was water, but was viniger accidentally that he poured into bucket. That was when I think I burned my lungs. It s 2 am and I can t call anyone, but I m worried and it s Sunday so I can t call my Dr. Until Monday. I m hoping it will be ok to wait until Monday! I guess I m hoping you can give me advice on what you think happened and if I m being paranoid or I should really worry. Also will I have long term damage.