Hello, my name is Kelsey, and I am a 24 year old High School English teacher. Yesterday I had my period. Today, had some slight back pain and discomfort before leaving for work. During my first class of the day the pain increased. The pain killer I had taken in the morning was not help. On a scale from 1-10 in pain I would rate it a 8 pushing 9. It was uncomfortable to stand, sit and walk. During my second class I took two liquid Advil and the pain went away. During third period of the day I felt something big, wet and warm pass over my tampon and a warm sensation. It felt like a fart. The moment that happen any pain that was not dulled by the Advil all but disappeared. 4 period of the day is a split class so when the class went to lunch, I went to the bathroom. In my pants was a large Oreo sized sack. I do not know a better way to describe it. What this object was could be balanced on three fingers. Maybe 3 or 4 inches in diameter. It was bloodied because it came out of me. I touched it and it was soft and warm. Flexible, like tissue, and it tore easily. I eventually discarded the object with the rest of the tissue as usual and washed up. I have no idea what this was, and I would like some guidance. Thank you.