Hi Thanks for posting your query .I have gone through your details and according to ayurveda aggravated pitta( heat) in the body is the cause of all types of skin disorders.For
hyperpigmentation or black patches here I m suggesting you few effective remedies which you can try at home.These are
Put 2-3 strands of kesar in milk and apply this mixture on your face and neck twice daily.
Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon with 1 teaspoon honey and apply on face daily.
Rub lemon peel on skin daily.
Have 30 ml of
aloe vera juice empty stomach.
Have 1 teaspoon of amla in morning and evening.
Consume 4-5 neem leaves daily empty stomach.
Take 1 teaspoon of coriander juice mixed with a pinch of turmeric .
Have food or herbs which have cooling effect on body like aloe vera,alma,mint,coriander,fennel.
Have coconut water daily.
yoga,pranayam daily
Effective asanas and pranayam for skin diseases are sarvangasan,halasan,pavanmuktasan,sheetali,sheetkari,anulom vilom,Chandrabhedi,kapalbhati pranayam.
Hope this is useful to you.
In case you need more information,you can contact anytime.
Best wishes for good health!