i have gone through your query. a bump on the
palate (roof of mouth) can be due to various reasons:
Irritation due to food
inflammation of incisive papillas
smoker's palate (
nicotine stomatitis)
Torus palatinus or Exostosis
Mucous Cysts
Canker Sores
plz mention your age.do you have any habit of smoking?
irritation can occur due to burning after drinking or eating something that was too hot or by eating very spicy food.
trauma to the tissue can cause micocele
hormonal changes, poor diet and stress can also cause cancer sores.
if i were ur treating doctor i wud suggest you to watch the bump for 3-4 days to see any change.
quit any bad oral habit
avoid taking too spicy and hot food
rinse your mouth with a antiseptic mouthwash
if the condition persist you sud visit a
dentist to check for the other possiblities
Hope this ans helps
Dr. Shesh