1. hair loss although is related to gene and sex hormone but a
skin biopsy, blood tests, or other procedures may be needed to diagnose other disorders that cause hair loss.
2. You need to Consult a Trichologist for your hair loss to rule out any other pathology, who will make sure that you are not affected with any
fungal infection of the scalp [eczema/
psoriasis or
seborrhea dermatitis ]
3. If a close family member has the disease, the risk of developing it is slightly increased .
i. Avoid too much exposure to sun.
ii. Avoid high extremes of temperature
iii. After bath make sure you avoid vigorous toweling of hair, let them dry naturally.
iv. Make less choice for synthetic hair oils, hair coloring, bleaching, styling and use of dry blowers.
v. Avoid excessive exposure to sun, heat, wind, dust, anger, stress,
vi. Avoid oily, fried, spicy, hot, fermented and stale food.
vii. Proteins are essential for
antibodies production so milk, egg (white), beans, yogurt, soymilk, pumpkin, squash,watermelon,peanuts,almonds, if non-vegetarian (meat) are choices .
viii. Mango, carrots, cantaloupe, egg yolk, apricots, pumpkin, papaya, are ideal
ix. Vitamin C: is needed for proper functioning of immune system: amla is good option.
x. Vitamin E: is a powerful anti oxidant thus peanuts, dried apricots, cooked spinach taro root can be taken
xi. Soap nut (reetha) and shikakai along with Bhringraj and Neelini oil acts as natural conditioner and dye, you can use it safely.
. In Ayurveda , initially we have to start with Immunomodulation [Rasayan Chikitsa] Treatment, and later restore to non- surgical hair replacement [if you believe hair loss is psychologically traumatic and some people may have a poorer outcome with Conservative line of treatment] since the oil you have mentioned is not directed towards the cause but just an external application.
PS. You may ask for effective Prescription Medicines like:
. Trichup Oil & Capsule [VASU]
. Scurfol lotion [ATRIMED]
. For Immunomodulation start taking Amalaki Rasayana, Chayawanprash avleha.