Can understand your concern..
As per your complain soreness on the roof of the mouth and sore lump along with ear ache and difficulty in swallowing indicates that you have infection in the throat and it can be either Bacterial (
streptococcus) or viral(mono) in nature..
In case if the
sore throat is along with flu like symptoms then it is most probably viral infection otherwise it is more commonly bacterial infection also known as
Strep throat..
In case of strep throat antibiotics like
azithromycin or
amoxicillin can be taken for relief..
In case of pain you can take Ibuprofen for relief..
Do warm saline gargles..
Avoid spicy and hard food..
Throat lozenges can be relieving..
Drink plenty of luke warm water to maintain hydration and relieve the throat.
In case of viral infection as the antibiotics do not provide relief as they can treat only bacterial infection the entire treatment can be taken excluding antibiotics..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.