I have been sick for over two weeks now. I started off with what seemed to be a cold, with symptoms of a sore throat, coughing, and stuffiness. I soon also contracted an ear infection, which I have been getting frequently (This was probably the third within a year). I have been putting antibiotic ointment in my ear for over a week now, as I have a whole tube left over from the previous infection which resulted in an abscess in my ear canal. My infection seems to have gone away, but I will continue treatment. My concern however is my cough and sinuses. All my other symptoms seem to have gone away, but I am still left with a cough, which usually starts as a tickle in my throat. If the coughing fit gets harder, I start to taste a foul taste.. I don t know how to describe it other than foul and almost metallic. I sometimes cough up brown flem as well, but I have been assuming it s because my nose has been bleeding a bit. I feel like I still have a sore throat, but it s not the back of my throat that hurts like a typical sore throat, but the upper front.. between the back of my mouth and where the nasal drains down. I also experience stinging deep in my nose on occasion. Should I get checked out?