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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

Family Physician

Exp 50 years

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What Causes Sore Throat?

Hi, I am M. Osama Khan, i have been suffering from allergy for last 4 years and no medicine help me out from these fatigue. My IGE level was too much high past two months before, that was 311 and i was sugested to take Fexet 120 mg in 2 times a day. now i am suffering again by sore throat 2 times within 20days and taking leflox 250 now. kindly suggest me your precious advise
Thu, 11 Sep 2014
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ENT Specialist 's  Response
hello, thanks for ur query, sequence of sneezes,running nose, itching in ears, itching in roof of mouth, blackness under eyes are the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. it is best prevented by not to expose to cold, dust, not to consume ice creams, fridge water, curd. best street ment is avamys( fluticasone ) nasal spray twice daily , tab. Montek- lc ( montelukast+citrizine once daily at bed time . all the best. take care.
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Note: Consult an experienced Otolaryngologist / ENT Specialist online for further follow up on ear, nose, and throat issues - Book a Call now.
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What Causes Sore Throat?

hello, thanks for ur query, sequence of sneezes,running nose, itching in ears, itching in roof of mouth, blackness under eyes are the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. it is best prevented by not to expose to cold, dust, not to consume ice creams, fridge water, curd. best street ment is avamys( fluticasone ) nasal spray twice daily , tab. Montek- lc ( montelukast+citrizine once daily at bed time . all the best. take care.