I m a 36 year old, 5 2 , slightly overweight female. Over the weekend, I went on a hayride w/my kids. Since I am so short, I literally had to pull myself up & climb on & off the trailer which we rode on. I was on & off as I was tending to the kids. Sunday, I woke up w/soreness in my left chest area--to the left of my breastbone (about armpit level), which somewhat radiates outward toward my left arm pit. I am able to carry on my normal, nonstrenuous daily routine. However, if I bend over & lower my left arm while in the bent over position, the pain worsens...especially closest to my breastbone. I can run my fingers along the area & somewhat feel the soreness. I see no swelling or bruising. Also, it is painful in the area when I cough. It feels like a strained or pulled muscle? (it does NOT feel deep within my chest) However, I am also a cervical cancer survivor. I just finished chemo, radiation, & brachytherapy in early Sept. and was given the all clear (cancer free) on Sept. 19. Everyday, I live w/the fear of the cancer returning. I notice every little twinge and automatically fear its cancer related. Since this chest pain started right after Saturday night s strenuous activities, I would like to think the pain is most likely related to over doing myself. I do think I lost strength while going thru cancer treatments as I recently had strained muscle in my lower back. The pain from the lower back strain went away within just a few days, tho. Today is my 4th day of having this type of chest discomfort. Does it sound like the chest pain is related to climbing on & off the hayride? What could it be? COuld it be a strained muscle of some kind? If so, when should I see improvement and is there anything I can do to expedite the healing? Motrin does help the pain, btw.