Just wondering if someone can help me out as I do not know much on the matter i had a root canal done 4yrs ago but last week the gum above my tooth was sore, so made an app to see the dentist, he said that there was an infection and he put me on antibiotics to see if it clears. after 6 days of tablets, my gum is not as sore as it was but something is still there. they told me that they will have to do the root canal again and that it will cost me €450 (which i dont have at the moment) or i can get it out. do you think i should have to pay? when i got it done, i was told that it would last but it hasn t and i also wasn t told about getting a crown on it either. my aunt was a dental nurse a few years back and she said that it should last. she has two done for 21years!! any help will be greatly appreciated thanks