Thank you for query.the chance of std transmission is very low by this act.but as there is a open sore in your penis at the time.there are very little chances of HIV coming in contact with the wound so can act as portal of entry a rare possibility.You may have to get tested for HIV depending on time since exposure Like RNA PCR if after 10 days of exposure.
Herpes is another possibility if the partner has active herpes infection.if so you will manifest within 2 weeks.
The symptoms of other STD you can look for are any rash, vesicles,
redness, in genitals, urethral discharge, itching or burning in area,Inguinal lymph node swellings etc.
If you have any symptoms you can
consult doctor they will investigate you by local examination, urine or discharge sample lab examination,blood tests if required,
biopsy if required etc.
If you do not have any symptoms you need not bother
You can get back to me for any clarifications with the details.Dr Bharatesh D Basti
Dermatologist and Venereologist