My hx is complicated. I am 42y/o, female. Married, w/5/yo child. A year after childbirth, I turned a corner too fast at work and rammed a sharp corner into the inner, fleshy part of my left hip bone. I went to the ER a day later and they did nothing. A month later, it was confirmed that I now had two hernias on my left side, femeral and inguinal. I had surgery right away. Mesh repair. My question is if, aside from the hernias, my blow to the hip may have damaged a lymph node there or a nerve. Since the surgery, I have stabbing pains in my left groin area (near hernia repair), but ALSO where original trauma happened, up near the inside of my hip (S.I. area). It radiates around to my back, and now, four years later is becoming unbarable. What can it be? How would I check such old damage an where would I start? It also is much worse right before my period. But, at the same time, it is ever present. Thank you. Cindy