Hi. There is one condition that fits your symptoms and it is called LPRD or
Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease. In this condition small amounts of acid from the stomach create injury and inflammation around the voice box leading to swelling in the interarytenoid region (posterior portion of the voice box). This is what causes the sticking feeling in the throat and the acid irritation leads to
dry cough. LPRD is different from GERD or
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and therefore may not be associated with symptoms of
gastritis such as burning
chest pain, stomach pain and gas.
The mild COPD leads to
chronic cough and during coughing the pressure within the abdomen rises leading to the acid being pushed towards the voice box. Repeated coughing also creates interarytenoid injury and swelling by itself and continues the sticking feeling in the throat. So here is the vicious cycle - COPD and LPRD lead to coughing which leads to voice box injury which leads to more coughing and LPRD and more injury. This is probably the reason for these symptoms to persist for 2 months.
Management of this condition involves breaking this cycle by keeping the COPD and LPRD under control and allowing the voice box to heal (2-3 weeks). This is a challenge because there is more effort required from the patients in the form of lifestyle changes and little support provided by medications. At the least you need an ENT evaluation to follow up with you to review improvement and Pulmonology evaluation to manage the COPD. Antacids and lifestyle changes may need to be followed for 6 months or more for complete cure.
Here are some recommended lifestyle modifications
1. Reduce/ avoid spicy and fried food
2. Reducing intake of tea/ coffee/ carbonated drinks
3. Reducing/ stopping smoking and alcohol consumption
4. Reducing stress/
anxiety related to work or family
5. Taking plenty of fluids : 1.8 to 2.5 litres of water per day
6. Maintaining fixed or identical meal timings every day
7. Maintaining fixed or identical sleep timings every day
8. To maintain an upright posture for up to 2 hrs after meals. Avoid lying down immediately after meals.
9. Raise the head end of your bed. Avoid raising the height of the pillow.
10. Voice rest for 48 hrs
Patience is not an option here but a necessity. Please do keep me posted on your recovery. Will be happy to follow up and modify medications based on your response since many times doses/durations/choice and combinations of antacids can vary from patient to patient and may need to be tailored for you specifically.