Hallow Dear,
Your symptoms suggest possibility of infection no doubt. However, the additional symptoms of
neck rigidity,
dizziness, disturbed vision and head ache is suggesting possibility of some inflammation around the covering of the brain.
Was your procedure performed under
spinal anaesthesia. If there is any leak from the spinal puncture of it and/or the infection sets in, such symptoms do appear. These symptoms my appear even without presence of any infection.
Now that you are having
fever more than 101.4 F and dull
abdominal pain, some infections seems to have set in.
I will advise you not to waste time at home and report to the Gynaecologist who has performed Hydrothermal ablation on you ASAP. You need to be in the hospital. You will be given a suitable antibiotics to control the infection. In addition, you my be given intravenous hypertonic solution to bring down the swelling inside the skull. With that your symptoms of neck rigidity, headache, dizziness and vision problem should go away.
Please rush to the hospital.
Hope you got the message.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri