Thanks for your query.
Noted your history of early satiety, stomach being always full, on eating gets full and difficulty in breathing, taking
propranolol for palpitations,
anxiety, sweating, tremors, easily forgetting things, mood swings, difficult to pass stool, fatigued and
heartburn and so on as you have so well explained...
A complex of so many symptoms needs a good clinical evaluation, examination and investigations to get a probable diagnosis so that a proper treatment can be planned.
The most probable cause and effects can be said to be due to gastric problems along with intestinal problems like an infection. The secondary effects are seen as you have enumerated so well.
You need the following:
The tests of blood, urine and stool along with an ultrasound/VT scan and endoscopies like upper GI
Endoscopy must be done to get the exact diagnosis..